Actually we function fairly well!
We are taking our everyday challenges and choosing to laugh through them.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Matt's Back!
And he is causing more dysfunction.
At this point I am not sure what anyone here thinks anymore.
I have made it known for years that Christmas is about Jesus, because, well IT IS!
I have told them years ago, and every year, that the gifts they receive are in celebration of Jesus's Birthday and that they are from me. They know about Santa but they have always known not to ruin it for others.
But it seems no matter how much I tell Zev, he still believes, and that is just ok too I guess. Especially since I have this elf doll floating around the house now.
Tonight they asked me when I thought Matt was coming back and I said "I don't know, what does the book say?"
So they go get it out and read it and it says he should come around now, so Zev say's "So is Santa real?"
I said "Zev what do you think?"
He said "I don't know, but what about the elves, do you move it at night and other people move other ones in other houses?"
I said "What do you think?"
He said "I dont know"
I said "You remember that we have talked about Christmas before and that Santa doesn't fly around on a sleigh giving presents out"
He said "Yea I know he cant do that, he uses a plane" (here is where you would insert me doing the Charlie Brown  UGHHHHH)  So I think I give up with him for now! : )
Tavey, (A middle child like myself) shakes her head.
So enjoy Matt's & Zev's hullabaloo and shenanigans this month.
We hope you had a great Thanksgiving and pray that your CHRISTmas season is a BLESSED one filled with love of Christ.

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