Actually we function fairly well!
We are taking our everyday challenges and choosing to laugh through them.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Should I stop her from correcting an adult?

In this case I probably wont!
My kids are real quick to comment on the sight of people drinking, smoking, running red lights etc...
And when I say comment, I mean out loud so the person can usually hear.
But today's incidence was a new one. 
I have to say I am very proud of "Esther" aka Hayden for standing up for what is right today, 
no matter the cost.
This message has been reinforced lately at Church and Hayden put it to practice today for sure.
We went out to eat dinner tonite and Hayden needed to use the restroom 
where she found herself in a weird spot.
She says that she was in the stall and that there was a woman with a small child in there as well. 
The woman was on the phone and the child came out of the stall
 in need of some kind of help when the mother said to the child 
"Get your "f"ing "a double s" back in there you are disgusting" 
(Hayden used the words Bleeping Bleep as she told the story  but then she said the first bleeping starts with a F and the second bleep starts with an A) 
This child was between 3-5 yrs old Hayden says.
Hayden says she was really scared in there but felt really sad for the kid. 
She said "I wanted to say something to that lady that you are not supposed to talk like that to your child but I was afraid that she was going to hurt me and break my leg" 
So as she slowly came out of the stall to wash her hands she said 
"I just decided to do it" and I told the mom "You shouldn't say those words to your child" 
and the woman replied "You are right, I shouldn't" 
Hayden left and came back to our table where she sat down and said
 "Momma I am worried about a little girl that is in the bathroom and then told me the whole story.
 I told her I couldn't be more proud of the way she handled herself 
We talked about Esther and the message at church "Standing up for what is right no matter the cost" and
 "Being weird in a God way" 
I told her that I am hopeful that the seed she had just planted would grow quickly and change that woman's life. 
So I guess the moral of this story is if you are drinking or smoking around Zev or abusing your child around Hayden expect to not get away with it!
 John Quinonis would be proud of Hayden! "What would you do?"
Stand up for what is right no matter the cost!

If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?"
Esther 4:14


  1. that's an awesome story! Go Hayden for standing up for the child and for what is right. Sometimes adults also need to be reminded of how to act.
