Actually we function fairly well!
We are taking our everyday challenges and choosing to laugh through them.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

"Autism Awareness is April 1st and 2nd and the rest of the year for some!

"Momma, I am a rare purple apple and your the only one who knows it!" Hayden Edelman

Did you know my children's behavior has nothing to do with my parenting skills? 
Yet I get stressed out a lot and worry about what others think too much! 
This is a great week to end with Autism Awareness. 
Sometimes the happy face is real and sometimes its painted on.
It started out real bad on Monday and didn't let up till Wednesday when I got a word from a friend who is battling a huge war herself, and the children's pastor who said "Thank God for where they are right now" 
You know I spend a lot of time trying, hoping, praying and teaching them to be a certain way but,
 I don't stop to Thank God for where they are RIGHT NOW. 
I could talk for hours about the things that my kids do that make me feel so blessed to be their mother. 
And I know they are storing up treasures in Heaven and trying their hardest to be salt and light in a dark world.
It is those things that mean the most anyway. 
So if you run into us at the store, church, or on the ball field and things look a little crazy, seem loud, overwhelming, embarrassing, thats just ok. 
This is my life and I Thank God for it! 
Do I wish things were different? Well sure but I am not going to dwell on it too much anymore!

For the Lord see's not as man see's; for man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.
1 Samuel 16:76

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