Actually we function fairly well!
We are taking our everyday challenges and choosing to laugh through them.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

The middle child

I worry about Tavey alot!
She takes a back seat so often because of her brother and sister and she does it with grace and understanding most of the time.
Today was a prime example. She ran her 2nd 5k and waited for the awards ceremony to hear her name but instead had to leave because Hayden was feeling sick.
Understand that when Hayden gets sick no matter with what it is a major event.
So trust me when I say we HAD to leave.
It drags the energy clean out of me and I don't always handle it with as much grace as Tavey does.
In Haydens defense she truly cannot help it and she honestly was sick. She has been sick all day and is weak from getting sick so much.
 Hayden has apologized all day to Tavey for ruining her day and we have told her so many times that it isn't her fault but she knew we were going to go to the beach after Taveys run and she felt bad that we couldn't go.
I pray that Tavey keeps her happy heart, and that she doesnt grow up thinking that she is not as important as everyone else.
Tavey helps me so much and she knows just what to say at the right moment to make things better here.
I pray that God bless her beyond her wildest dreams for taking care of his business now.
Check out the video from her 5k today below by clicking on the youtube link.

Anyone who loves their brother and sister lives in the light, and there is nothing in them to make them stumble.
1 John 2:10


  1. I know all about being the middle child. Even though I was the only girl, the big brother was brilliant and we tended to go places and do things that were interesting to him (and totally boring to me many times) and the little brother was a major league brat, screamer, mean and nasty guy (but not now amazingly) and he always got his way. I was expected to go along to ge along and I did. I turned out just fine and so will Tavey because you never forget how important she is and her big sister actually apologizes. I do like that part!

  2. AWESOME show. I think (know) God has her in her MIDDLE spot for a much bigger & better reason than we can even try to comprehend. Glad Hayden, Zev & YOU have her. Don't worry...God has her back! ;) I know you know that!
    Is that Ben Baltz in the pics? He lives near us and we know a little guy in Gville who went through Cancer surgery and treatments while becoming friends w/Ben. :)
