Actually we function fairly well!
We are taking our everyday challenges and choosing to laugh through them.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I am paying my kids to get up and get ready in the morning

You may be one of those parents who is saying 
"Ummm...No they need to get up" 
or you may be the parent that gets up an extra hour early to start dragging people out of bed. 
Either way, I think I have tried every way I can to make life easy in the morning with no success yet. 
However I am hopeful that my new plan may change that!
First of all, these kids are not up late running around the neighborhood, watching tv or playing video games. 
They come home, work on their homework, take a break for dinner and bath, finish up any homework and then head to bed. 
Usually that is between 7:30 and 8:30pm. 
Then to fall asleep, 2 out of 3 require a melatonin sleep aid. 
But nighttime, full of its own stresses, is not too bad. 
It is the morning that is so very rough.
I have to start around 5:30am waking them up for two reasons:
 #1 we only have 1 bathroom, so with 4 of us that can get a little hectic 
 #2 they are in the before school day care program, so I need to drop them off and then I go to work. 
It is extremely hard for Hayden and Zev to get up and we have battled for years now. 
Once they get up they cannot focus and stay on the task of getting ready. 
So since I have tried everything with no success, I have decided to pay them!
That's right, pay my kids to get up and get ready. 
So the new plan is, every day that you are done before me you get a quarter. 
You could add $1.25 a week to your Saturday chore paycheck if you made it all week. 
HOWEVER, if you are not done before me, then you have to pay me a quarter!!! 
SO now your saying "Hmmm... that sounds good !" I know right!
We started yesterday, I paid out .50 and took in .25 then today the same. 
It is Christmas time and they are wanting money to buy gifts and things so this was a great time to start. 
I am extremely hopeful that this will work. 
Maybe your kids wont budge for a quarter but mine will, they have learned how fast quarters can add up and turn into dollars. 
They have a chart here where they can earn lots of quarters by doing laundry, washing dishes, bringing home an A or B on quizzes or tests, taking out the garbage etc.. 
Last week, Tavey earned $7.25, Hay got $5.50 while Zev raked in $3
I truly appreciate their help in keeping "our" house up and being responsible. 
If it doesnt work after 2 weeks that's just ok too. I will keep trying till it does.

In all work there is profit
 Proverbs 14:23